2007 in animation in Chinese
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- animation
- n. 1.生气;生机。 2.生动,活泼。 3.动画片(制作)。 短语和例子 a face devoid of animation 死人(一样的)面孔。 suspended animation 假死,晕厥。 with animation 活泼地,生动地。
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- animation applet
- 动画小应用程序
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- animation computer
- 电脑控制动画摄影
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- animation computerized
- 计算机控制的动画摄制法
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What is the meaning of 2007 in animation in Chinese and how to say 2007 in animation in Chinese? 2007 in animation Chinese meaning, 2007 in animation的中文,2007 in animation的中文,2007 in animation的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.